Empploy simplifies your employer's life.
All your staff managed online.
We are an outsourced HR department responsible for giving employers access to all the solutions for hiring and employing legally and quickly in Namibia.
In just a few clicks, our digital solutions enable you to hire your employees, from the employment contract and social obligations, to the payslip, employees' payments and the SSF and NamRA taxe's declaration, all in full compliance.
Pricing to suit
all sizes of needs
1. Instant Hiring
Our Empploy.com app makes hiring accessible to everyone in just a few clicks in Namibia, but also in Central Africa, Gabon, Congo and Mozambique.
You can generate a free employment contract in just a few minutes.
Empploy.com takes care of the rest.
2. E-solutions development
Our teams have significant experience in digital HR, both in consulting and in the optimization of internal process.
3. Choose DIY HR or serviced
You can outsource to Empploy the role and responsibilities of employer on your behalf.
You pay by card or bank transfer a single global invoice for wages and related charges. You have no constraints...
You hire yourself
Super Easy to become the Employer!!!
Empploy is a contractualization and personnel management solution for your company and your household staff.
Unleash your
HR potential
Need some Guidance, we offer:
Call back request, you set time & date for a call
Instant chat over whatsapp
we are available to answer your questions about our services and subscription.
We look forward to listaning to your questions!Whatsapp Us
e-Learning will be happy helping you :)
Want to visit some Do & Don't pages? or just improve your DIY knowledges?
visit the e-Learning
Expertise to suit
all locations
B P M - Because People Matter
70%+ of jobs in Africa are in the informal sector, including domestic workers and others.
Empploy.com is committed to reducing informal employment in Africa.
Find out more about our Whistle Policy and our Blog articles on our commitment.